Asik mengidam jer kan, mengandungnyer tak jugak...
So, this time I was craving for nasi lemak tanglin. Quite sometime since I had those. It's quite difficult to go there since the location is quite a distance from both home and office.
Alhamdulilah, someone was kind enough to purchase this for me.
But, the taste is quite dissapointing, not even near from how I remembered it taste like. And to make matter worse, they forgot to put the sambal. Nasi lemak without sambal is not nasi lemak!! And this nasi lemak was accompanies by air tekan2(sebab malas bancuh)
A good start for a working day.
3 normalies:
hihihi sama la ngan saya asik mengidam je.. tapi tak mengandung pun hehehe
wah nasi lemak tanglin tu sedap.. zaf tu sanggup bangun pagi2 sbb nak makan nasi lemak sabar je la..
tak ajakkkkkkkkkkkkk..........
emmm lama gak dah tak makan kat tangling.... err... mee kicap kat situ pun best..hehe
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