After the wedding, we thought of dropping by Alamanda. Main reason is to get a big bag for my parents, they are going to China for holiday this Friday.
The cuties were jumping up and down when they saw the Big Apple outlet here. It's been ages since we brought them to Big Apple.
However, the cuties also wanted the Mcflurry Oreo @ Mcd. So, we decided to tapau the donuts and have them at Mcd instead. The drinks are cheaper at Mcd kan, so jimat skit.
What a wonderful weekend, sampai terlupa snap the photos of the bag that we purchased.
4 normalies:
tengah diet nih... takleh tgk donut...nanti langgar pantang....heheh
Mcflurry Oreo feveretku.. ;)
lom ade masa nak gi big apple..laie
adenium - happy berdiet, kalau sekali sekala takpe kot(ayat penyedap hati)
yati - tak pernah rasa sebenanyer, pelik kan
atty - gi lah atty, mmg best
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