On the way back from the wedding, we dropped by The Mines for dessert. The weather was burning hot during the wedding and we thought to cool down a little before we make our way home. Since The Mines is about 5 minutes away from the wedding venue, we choose this complex.
As usual, the favourite dessert by the cuties, McFlurry Oreo. I had only mineral water, tadi dah melantak kat rumah pengantin, the amount of calories dah macam makan 2-3 days tau!
Mines is a very interesting shopping complex. I think lil^red would know as this used to be one of her favourite hang out (kalau salah, ampun!!!!). This place sells a lot of baju pelik2 and at a cheap price. 

We did not walk for long, penat lah and furthermore, one more wedding to attend that nite. Nak balik catch a nap sat.
3 normalies:
nampak mines je....excited nak baca!!!
hahahhahaha dulu masa kat uniten... ni lah tempat lepak amik ekon...sbb hostel panas bebenau...
lagi gile... pukul 9 pg dah terpacak..sarapan kat situ...pukul 10 tgk wayang... hahahhaha dgn sapa lagi kalau bukan acik zam? hik hik hik
and this is the last place i went before i come here, dgn acik zam n enchekkekaseh... makan laksa kat tgh tu, then makan kebab, pastu g fish spa...
owh... kak liza just bring all the good memories back!
hahhaha tak lupe juge... i found out that my ex was having an affair...di sini juge.. hahahhaha banyak rupenye kisah di mines yeh
ooo btw, McD sini ade toffee sundae.... OM Goodness kak liza.... boleyh pengsan kalau makan sebb sedap sgt! hehehheheheh
dulu selALu..pegi mines..mmg baju/kasut..sana murh..tp kdg parking susah...
lil^red - it does bring memories to you kan? not bad lah the place
atty - parking memang problem skit, jauh gak kena jalan
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