My parents did not stay for long at my house, they have few weddings to attend. We have 2 weddings to attend today. The first one is at Balakong. This wedding is my better half's colleague wedding.
The theme is maroon and white. When we arrived, there were already a lot of people there.
We have to wait before we get seats to enjoy our meal. Since it's lunch hour, we were starving. 
Once we get places to eat, my better half and I took the food for the cuties. The food has some variety, lauk suitable for nasi beriani and lauk suitable for nasi putih.
Before the bride and groom were escorted to the pelamin, there was a silat presentation held.
But, it was a scary silat presentation. I thought silat pulut or silat pengantin is more appropriate but this presentation was like the silat lawan2 nak bunuh orang. Haiyo, this can be considered as a warning for the groom not to mempesiakan the bride ke?
We (at least I) love going to weddings over the weekend...because........................................................
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