No words, just to show some of the things I bought during the vacation at Kota Bahru. Why I say some...cause most of the other things malas nak upload and tunjuk. Actually malu to admit, I overspent.

So, no shopping for the next 6 months...yelah tu...You wish!
3 normalies:
wah liza..byk sopink.sedapnya kopok..
mcm ade nampak buah kundang..sedapnya ..
kalo nak makan kopok segera lagi orderlah ngan saya..silalah kunjungi blog saya : untuk mengordernyer..hihihihi..numpang promote jap=)
wah sopink sakannnnn bestnyeerrrrrr
ape 6bulan puasa soping.. leh caya ke??!! hihihi
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