It's the end of our wonderful vacation in KB but not the end of the vacation all together. We continued the second episode of our vacation in Kuantan.
We checked out right after breakfast as we know the journey would be a long journey to Kuantan. We also thought to make some stops namely the Kemaman Kopitiam and of course to enjoy the delicious keropok lekor. Furthermore, it's a Friday and the 2 men in my life would have to make the compulsory stop for the prayers. The musafir clause did not apply here, macam ler takde masjid on the way to our destination.
Usually, my better half does not permit eating in the car but he gave this trip an exception simply because to get the cuties to sit down quietly without them trying to be too creative.
We did not stop at KT for the keropok lekor. We arrived there when the Friday prayers about to start and once the prayers were completed, many of the shops were still not open yet. We can't afford to wait further since we don't want to reach Kuantan too late.
Takde rezeki, Kemaman Kopitiam was close. We forgot, most of the shops in Terengganu closed on Fridays and Kemaman Kopitiam was not an exception.
We made the first stop and was starving. We dropped by Kemaman for the delicious keropok lekor accompanied by the air kelapa. It was really a good meal, hot and crispy keropok lekor after hours in the car.

Why were we in Kuantan? You will know in the next entry.
3 normalies:
huhuhu...kopok lekor.... i liikkkeeee....
nak kopok lekor...
adeh terliur nengok kepuk lekor...sib baik u tak letak gambar losong...hehehhehe
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