normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Rainy days...Good time for hot cekodok pisang and nescafe

Last weekend, it rained almost the whole day. It will start around 2pm and will go on the whole night. We woke up quite early to dry our clothes cause we know, if we don't do this in the morning, there will be no chance for the clothes to be dried under the sun.
Later in the evening, I thought having cekodok pisang with nescafe is an excellent idea. So, we started to mix the ingredients. My better half did the frying and I did my signature nescafe tarik.
The cuties loved it. It's the kind of food to be served in this type of weather.

Suddenly lapar lak nak makan cekodok pisang.

5 normalies:

vagg© said...

oh kakkkkkkkkkk
i love the garing2 hitam2 one!

attyfir said...

loh..saat aty balas..komen..nie..akak..tgh goreng cekodok pisang jugk..

Liza said...

vagg- samelah kita

atty-kebetulan pulak kan

fazid said...

by just looking at the cekodok picture, u make my hungry la liza... sini dah masuk autumn ...wahhh must try ur neskepi laa :p

adenium said...
