normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Wednesday 27 May 2009

The meeting the cuties has know clue off

Last Saturday, around 4pm, we told the cuties to get ready as we are going out. They asked me where to and I just told them "Ikut jer lah Mama nak pegi mana?". They felt weird because usually if we have plans to go out, we will inform them much earlier, not like 5 minutes before leaving the house.
When we parked at Mcd BBB, they got excited because they only thought we are there to eat and that's it. No hidden agenda what so ever. And so they thought....
We asked them what they want to eat and asked them to sit at the table while we order and pay for the food. We ate like how we normally do....And so they thought....
When this lady start approaching our table, they knew we were up to something and yup we did. It was actually the trip to finalise the birthday party arrangements. We have spoken to the lady over the phone few times so that day was to confirm our conversation and to make the payments.
Baby was confused, are we having the birthday party at Mcd instead of our humble home. She kept on repeating she has to call her friends to inform them on the change of venue. Finally, we broke the news by telling, we are bringing Mcd to our humble home...
I hope the cuties will love their party.

1 normalies:

Amiha Ayu said...

its always felt really beautiful when we make the lil ones involve kan?

for them to feel appreciated & important..