normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Breakfast before the science adventure!!

This were what we had before our science adventure outing, to celebrate my hero's birthday, his real birthday that is.
Char Kuey Teow - the best one in Kelana Jaya ever since I was in primary school
Yee Mee - My baby's favourite
Yong Tau Fu - fried version...
And mind you, this is only breakfast!!! But a much needed one once you see the kind of adventure we will be having with the cuties.

6 normalies:

fazid said...

the only place i know that serve yong tau foo fried version is at The Mines food court...i love this version of yong tau foo better that others... nxt time I will ring you up laa...tanye restoran nie kat mane ye

Amiha Ayu said...

never tasted a fried yong tau foo before.. sedap x kak?

Liza said...

Fazid - it's in Kelana Jaya, once you're back to Malaysia, we can go for jalan2 cari makan trip

Ayu - sedap and better than the normal one

aisha said...

Kak liza, KJ kat mane nih? aci bagi direction? dia ada waktu bekfas jer ke? kueh teow dia nampak marveles la...

Liza said...

aisha - KJ kat SS5 depan FAM, buka sampai malam around 9am, nie smua stalls inside a mamak shop call Jamal

adenium said...

kak liza... nih dekat depan fam tuh erk...
memang best char kuew tiaw dia... tapi ada skali tuh... dia buat tak sedap... ;-(