I have always make the extra effort to ensure that the cuties will have the best raya each year so that when they grow up they will come back for Raya.
One of the things that I fear when I grow old is if the cuties don't feel that it is a priority to celebrate Hari Raya and decide to be else where. This is DECIDE not HAVE TO due to work commitments or other unavoidable circumstances. This year, our family had 2 theme colours, first Raya was brown and second Raya was light maroon pinkish! Makes me wonder, in 10 years to come, do we still have any colours left to use as theme colour ;)
This year is my better half turn to celebrate the first Raya at his hometown. Alhamdulilah, after nearly 11 years of being married, we never had any arguments about where to celebrate Hari Raya. This "ikut turn" arrangements so far work fine with us. Anyway, I have always like celebrating Raya at his hometown. I don't have a kampung so to tumpang his kampung is something different to me.
However, the only tradition that I don't like is this ritual called "baraan". This is where the men in the kampung will visit all the houses right after solat Raya. Every year without fail I will tell my better half that first Raya should be spent with the family not with the orang kampung. Over the years, I got use to this and now my hero will follow my better half and by the time this is over, it will be late evening, both will be so tired and full!! But, his pockets will be full with duit raya, And to my disbelief, my selamber baby also followed as she has always considered herself as one of the guys. My better half were telling me, while they were at this house, this man made quite a lengthy speach which my baby was complaining about out loud! When he is finally finished, my baby clapped her hand and everyone laughed!
My mom in law usually cook fried chicken and fries, a tradition that I started about 8 years ago since I wanted to be different. Every house will have their signature dish, by the way. This year, we decided to surprise the org kampung and presented an authentic banjar food called nasi gaul.
We have cooked this our selves a couple of times at our house and my better half was commenting that my version of nasi gaul is better than my mom in law. Even if he said this to menjaga hati, I am still happy to hear that.
Once this ritual is over, my better half to us to beraya at his relatives houses.
During the nite, my creative cuties invented a "bowling" game using the mineral water bottles. Me and my better half also joined the fun. This is after they were playing chess.
My hero thought me how and finally I understood the concept!
All and all, first Raya was a blast, not only to the cuties, also to me and my better half. We had many things planned for the second Raya and will update this later ya! Right now, akak nak pegi sambung beraya lagik :)!!!
Selamat Hari Raya from us!!!
2 cents : Sorry, not able to upload more pics, problems with the internet. Depa beraya lagik gamaknyer! Will try again later...
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