I love to do business and one of the items in my wish lists is to have my own business someday and that business should be related to food and event management cause that has always been my forte'. It has been a routine for me to sell kuih raya during this festive season. Nope, I don't make them, I just sell them. This is the 3rd year I have been in the business and alhamdulilah, every year the demand is increasing. Last nite, the full delivery arrived at my house. Actually, since Monday, the delivery was made to my office bit by bit since it wil be difficult to carry all upstairs. There are few last minute orders which will arrived next Tuesday.
We buka pose at home yesterday, again with lauk tunjuk. I had a meeting and it dragged to 5 something causing me to arrived home nearly 7. Nak masak memang tak sempat and we were too tired to eat out. After that, we went to Carrefour to purchase groceries. It was unfortunate of us as Carrefour was doing their so called remodelling exercise where they move things around. We have been very familiar with Carrefour, however last nite we don't know where things are located, definately not at their usual isle. And this causes many racks to be empty.
We end up purchasing only half of the items in the list. Looks like we have to make another trip!
Nie gambo baby. She fasts everyday but org lain bebuka azan maghrib, hers will be the shortcut version. She berbuka after azan zohor! So, after we pick her up from my mom's place, she was munching away her favourite kerepek bawang which caused rusuhan among the cuties since the princess and the hero were fasting.
Today is Friday and I am a fan of Friday. We plan to go to Ampang Park to do more Raya shopping. Then, tonite ada buka pose event for the division.
From the way I see it, it's going to be a tiring weekend!
1 normalies:
thanks for the kuihs. already makan 1 bekas with amir this morning...heh, tak puasa kan? :)
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