I had a great but tiring weekend . Great because I was showered with all the delicious yet fattening food during the buka puasa over the weekend. My weekend actually started on Friday when we(we, by definition are myself, money matters, GTL and Cik Puan Ambang) went for another shopping spree, this time hand bag hunting for me, bekas kuih raya hunting for Cik Puan Ambang and no preference for GTL and money matters. I end up getting not one but 2 handbags for less than RM200.
My better half planned another balik kg trip however, since the cuties ada tuition class, we can only make our move after 10pm. While waiting for their classes to end, my youngest decided to help me to lipat kain. Rajin anakl dara mama. We arrived at around 2am and trus tidur to be woken up again for sahur. 
That day, since nothing much to do and to avoid from spending the whole day bergolek atas katil, I persuaded my better half to bring me for a facial session. While waiting for the girl to prepare the necessary, I saw the Merry Brown mascot and snap2 photos for the cuties. For those who are not familiar with Merry Brown, in Johor, this is as famous as KFC
As for the facial session, memang relaxing except for the part the girl pinched my nose and some other parts of my face to remove the white heads.
For today buka pose, this is when the food extravaganza started. We have been planning to bring mak and abah for buka pose at the only 5 star hotel in Batu Pahat as this will be their first experience to buka pose at a hotel.
After the buka pose, the cuties and their cousins do sakan main bunga api lak.
Kalau kat kampung nie, what amazed me the most is how the cuties don't sleep after sahur and yet not whinning that they are sleepy. And, the usual, they spent the time by playing chess.
Actually the cuties and my better half memang good at chess, in comparison to me yang memang tak reti aper pun pasal chess.
Akak nie sebenarnyer ada class but we were so exhausted and not in the condition to drive so memonteng ler kaedahnyer. We left batu pahat at 9am and arrived around 12pm. Niat hati nak kemas rumah, last2 tinggal niat je lah. The bergolek atas katil action started again sampai nearly terlepas solat zohor. Alhamdulliah, woke up on time and sempat lagik. We then got ready for another buka pose extravaganza, this time for my company buka pose function at KL Convention Centre. Makan lagik, biler nak slim cam nie. 
Another week, another day and may be we don't realised...lagi 11 days to Raya...macam mane nie, satu pun tak prepare lagik!!!!Abang, kita outsource je lah yer :)
1 normalies:
i'm also ber-wardrobing this week. tomorrow they are coming to install my boys punya wardrobe. and then its kemas mengemas session. its good to be active towards labour ni, or so i'm told :) unfortunately $$$ not enuf to get new air-cond for the boys...
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