I was not well yesterday, had severe stomach ache and countless trips to the loo. I was thinking what trigger this situation considering I am the only suffering when everyone in the house ate the same thing. However, yesterday was not that bad. I received a very pleasant surprise, raya goodies from one of our business partners. Being a middle management, I don't usually get stuff during the festive season unless I make my pathetic face and get the sympathy from my boss and he will give me the leftovers. In most cases, we will be fighting for the bakul instead of what's in it.
Our daddy came yesterday and that really makes me smiling from ear to ear. We missed him so much and the last time we saw him was ages ago. But, only myself, GTL and William able to make it.
My other sibblings were busy with their work so they won't be able to join us. Had a good chat with him and it has always been a relief to be able to talk to him.
For the first time, I look forward to buka puasa, not so much about trying to satisfy my hunger but more to eat my most trusted medication when having this ceret beret thing, pil Poh Chai. It works all the time.
We had our buka puasa at a gerai tomyam near our house since I was not in the position to cook. Akak flat smalam!
After the buka puasa, I thought I was well enough to go hunting for the cuties baju raya. Damn I was wrong. We only managed to get the baju raya for princess and baby, for my hero tak sempat cause the pain was unbearable.
We left the PKNS Complex and immediately I slept after solat Isya'. We will continue our hunting today, Insyallah since the cuties have been asking for pizza for today's buka puasa.
Surprisingly, my schedule is clear today. Let's see what we can do about that!
1 normalies:
surprisingly found bajues for my heroes at giant. not bad too...after a month of looking for white baju melayu...
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