normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Monday 25 February 2008

Let's accept new things

As I grow older, I have also noticed that my maturity levels increases. Little things that annoys me before are becoming to be more tolerable. Little things that can pissed me off, I now beginning to have the patience for it...And I know how I should channel the anger and still feel good about myself.
Now, I do believe that, maturity may not go hand in hand with the age increase.
I am now managing a "work life balance" project and yet my life is not balance. Why can't people just be more acceptive to new ideas and give it a chance rather than being so negative about it and have implanted such awful perceptions even before it is launch. What have you got to loose. You are not being charge to participate. It is just a game and let it be just a game. A game where you are supposed to have fun with your friends and colleague. Don't turn it to a "kiasu" battle and have this motto "winning at all cost no matter who you hurt along the way"..
And if you don't agree, keep your opinion to yourself. This is not a political battle where you need to influence others to agree with you.
Moral of the story : Maturity is not about getting older, also being able to handle yourself emotionally.

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