And why do I say that....
Intro dulu yer...
We had the privileged to attend a Secretaries Week function by AC and Mawi. It was held at Dewan Perdana Felda. 

Best ler, siap dapat goodie bag lagik. The theme is black and red.
And why I said kesian Mawi...Sabo ler, nak criter nie...
We were first entertained by AC. My expectations on him were he is going to be hopeless, crack jokes that he will laugh himself, make a complete fool of himself and over!!! But, this may surprise some people...I was so wrong!!! He was entertaining, lively and sang very well too. My only comment is how I wish he is like this in AF...He started his performance with a brass band marching in and followed by a bunch of dancers imitating cheerleaders...but sorry to say, they look too old to be one...
He was really entertaining, his jokes hit the punch line well and when he did the medley of the songs that were famous while he was with 4U2C, I think that was kind of cool...
Then came Mawi....
And the screamings start...Crowd full of ladies....
He can't even move. He is like sugar surrounded by ants and the so called security is not helping either...Dok kena tarik dgn makcik2 sibuk nak ber gambor...

I really pity him. He tried to perform as well as he can but this crowd is really making it difficult for him. Nak nyanyi pun susah...He had to stop for his pictures to be taken even on stage.
I really pity him. He tried to perform as well as he can but this crowd is really making it difficult for him. Nak nyanyi pun susah...He had to stop for his pictures to be taken even on stage.
So, my take on this event...Kesiannyer jadik Mawi...
5 normalies:
Kesian pun ada kat Mawi nie. Ada gf salah, takde gf salah. Kesian. Buat apa2 pun serba tak kena. I'm glad that I'm not famous and can get away with anything that I wanted to do.
boss pun kena pergi sectaries week ke? or boss bawak secretary yg pakai tie tuh? hehehehe..
- miss tmo-
x suka ac tu kak..x best langsung..sian mawi gamer kan
maya - really pity him, no privacy langsung, nak becinta pun susah
ms tmo - yg pakai tu tukang tak leh ler tinggal
ita - masa AF mmg tak best tapi masa show nie dia best pulak
smart lah pulak dressing si mawi ni
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