It never occur to me to know what is the definition of marriage, i.e. the one in the dictionary. So, I did a search from and see whether the definition that they provide, is it realistic.
And here we go...
the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any).
Somehow, I don't like either one of the definition...I felt this doesn't reflect marriage, maybe just 5% of marriage...
Anyway, let's leave it at that...
We celebrated our 11th year anniversary on Saturday. And do you know what is the toughest thing to do for this celebration? I would say to buy gifts. Why? Cause we have been married for that long hence, there were already 11 years of anniversary, 11 years of birthday celebrations and 11 years more of other celebrations. Therefore, I felt both of us have ran out of what to buy.
So, we decided not to get each other anything and just celebrate by having a quiet candle light dinner without the cuties. Just the 2 of us....
We went to Windmill Restaurant at Subang Jaya(opposite SJMC). What planned to be a quiet dinner was not that quiet after all. The place was packed with families celebrating Mother's Day. However, the whole celebration was still so beautiful and lovely...
My better half trying to order, everything look so good...
After dinner, we parked our car at a petrol station near our house and we spent the whole our just talking. It's been quite sometime since we had a descent conversation without any interruption from the cuties. It was beautiful....
Some said, the first 5 years of marriage are the toughest, I beg to differ...I believe every year of a marriage is tough be it 1 year, 10 years or even 25 years, I've seen those that has been married for 30 years and still ended with a divorce....
Nevertheless, I still believe....Till death do us apart...Insyallah!
8 normalies:
I love windmill's steak.. they are delicous, as delicous as VS steak.
**You both look so cute together. macam baru kawin jer..
hepi anniversary yang ke 11 :D
yes I agree, different year different challenges kan..
anyway when i say I hate ur makan entry, it's just intended as a joke coz I takleh makan kat sini ;)
dot - the steak was indeed very good, i heard VS quality is not so good as it was before
viruspadu - thanks...
maya - don't worry dear, i know you are joking, one day ada rezeki you are back to malaysia, let's go the food extravaganza nak??
ok set, kita makan sampai tergolek dog.. hehehe
maya - looking forward to that!
eh baru teringat. bukit tinggi tak jadik ye?
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