I didn't know what to get my mom for her birthday. I have bought for her many things for her birthdays, anniversaries and other festivities like when I got a nice salary raised or a big fat bonus. Hence, I am out of ideas...
Then, I got this pamplet about a promotion by a beauty centre, A mother's day package spa and facial, and I quickly made the phone call, that would be a cool present, A Spa Package...
While waiting for her to be pampered, I was preparing a party at home. We planned to have a BBQ birthday party, a close one, just attended by my youngest brother and wifey and my cousin's family. My eldest brother could not attend due to work commitment.
We started after Isya' and had many spead on the menu. From chicken wings, to lamb, crab, burger, hot dog. I prepared nasi lemak with sambal tumis udang.
We watched AF together while enjoying the meals. During one of the commercial break, we took out the birthday cake and started singing the birthday song.
Noticed my mom not standing caused she sprained her leg while walking down the stairs after completed the Spa session. Kesian mami...Her response was, the body felt so light after the massage, felt like walking on air, that explains the fall....
I just have to publish this. This is Shahiz, my nephew and he is Toi number one fan. Can you imagine that, TOI???He was very adamant and still insists Toi is the AF champion...
I really really hope NOT!!!
1 normalies:
wah baiknye anak siap bwk mak pi spa tuh..sian mak akak..hrp kaki dia ok ye
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