normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday 20 May 2008

A day at the Bird Park

We actually planned something else for the cuties, a short holiday to Malacca but ended up doing something else. My princess just recovered from a fever and baby as you know from chicken pox. Long drive trip which may involve puking in the car and all the merengek may not be a good idea.
So, we end up taking the cuties to the KL Bird Park. The last time we were here was when the cuties were very small, I don't think they remembered. We left pretty early that morning, had our breakfast and then straight to the bird park. Wanna start early before the sun tegak atas kepala.

My baby doing her pose before the long walk...
My hero, the scientist in the making, was the most excited among us. He was analysing and making sure he did not miss a single bird. He kept on referring to the map and insisted we follow the route. You can see the map person in action.

We also got to feed the bird, if only we have the courage to do so. Leave it to the man in the family to be the bird friendly...the ladies, it's ok, we'll pass!

The icing of the day was the bird show which was really entertaining. Lots of tricks even this one, the bird rempit!

This eagle was so degil he refused to fly to his trainer and landed at the back of a lady, thank God the lady is not me. Otherwise, I will develop this new phobia!!

Before we left, we visitied the hatching area for the birds. Again, only the man was curious enough to to the touching...

The souviners that we bought for the cuties.

For those who wish to visit this place, the entrance fee is RM15 for adult and RM6 for children. Kira ok lah tu.

We wanted to visit the Butterfly Park but after seeing the price i.e RM17 for adult and RM10 for children, we decided not to pursue. Macam tak berbaloi je and they even charge RM4 for camcorder and RM1 for camera. Patut ler parking dia kosong jer.

As for me, the walk make me sweat like a ***. So, tak sabar nak balik for a long cold shower!

5 normalies:

viruspadu said...

mcm best jer tgk hepi family ni

nak gi jugak la

Jungle Playland said...

i dah lama plan to bring the boys to bird park. but hubs tak habis habis kata dangerouslaa bawak gi bird parks coz of bird flu.. ntah paper hahahah

anyway macam best jer.. will definately bring them one of this days..

Liza said...

vp - gi lah, memang best tempat tu

dot - you really should bring the kids there, i'm sure they'll have a good time

ita.itu said...

kalo bwk anak2 saya nih sure teruja kan kak

Liza said...

ita - mesti pegi, best tempat tu