This was purchased last week while I was trying to handle my stress level with care. And this is me being really careful with my spending...
Crabtree & Evelyn Mother's Day set, scent Rosewater...really soothing...

A Timber back pack at Isetan, been wanting to get one for sooo long, betul tak Cik Puan Ambang?
Secret purchase which will be disclosed later...
Conclusion : Shopping is the best therapy ;)
8 normalies:
wah sakan shopping nmpk.. is the best therapy ;)
..anyway nice blog..
ita - sekali sekala nak bersakan...
lily - you are so right!! thanks for the compliment
definitely the best medicine
lil^red - definitely!!
I miss that type of shopping which can reduce stress level.
Since i have babies, i hardly shop for myself. Last beauty products bought was before i got married. Sad.
Nanti laa bila dah kurus, i will shop for new clothing..baru membakar semangat ku! hahah
dot - i got to have this kind of session during lunch time jer, biler dah sampai rumah, lain dah my job scope
dot - lupe lak, since your semangat tgh terbakar tu, bakar lah semangat i skali
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