We have yet to celebrate my hero's birthday with my parents. My parents wanted to have this celebration at Pantai Jeram seafood. In a very usual condition, it will be about 45 minutes drive. But, this time, it was nearly a 3 hours drive and let me tell you why...
Everytime we're about to went through a petrol station, there will be a massive jam. Tak kirelah what petrol station, Mobil ke, Petronas ke, Shell ke, it will be the same...
This commotion was due to the petrol price hike that I wrote about earlier, azab nyer....macam ler isi tonite, can last you for a year. If you look at it, the most you will save will be about RM50...and while you wait and que and wait, how much petrol you have utilised? I think once this is contra against the so called savings, you will incur either a slim profit margin or a loss!
We left our home at 7am and arrived only at 9.30pm, maghrib dah telepas ler...
The cuties were there earlier with my parents since they were at my parents kebun since morning. 
But, the food managed to console us, sedap nyer....sorry gambo blur skit, lapo sampai gigil...
My baby is a crab fanatic. This place provide you with this tool where you can crack the crab claw open without having to bite it.
Tengok ler baby tu, sampai one leg on the chair to finish her crab...She even gave tips, nak makan seafood, tak leh makan nasi, nanti cepat kenyang...dunno where did she get that from?
4 normalies:
Hubs wanted to pump in some petrol last night. I said, tak payah laa.. Why go thru all those massive jam. He insisted nak pergi jugak. Tgk tegnok tak pergi pun. huhuhu
Actually there is nothing we can do abt the increase of petrol price. Other places lagi mahal compared to ours.
btw the ketams looked so delicious. and pandai your cuties buat i rasa terliur sgt nak makan ketam..huhuh
pantai jeram eh kak??? harus ku cube pergi nih.....hahha verangan nak diet....masih mau makan lagi...
hmmmm org kan suke pk jangka pendek nih.....esok2 by end of the year pun nak naik lagi.....ape buleh buat??? kerja lebih kuat je la
minyak naik pun x pe yek..yg penting mkn sodap..heheh..smpi gigil tuh..
dear all, makan tetap makan, just cannot be as frequent jer...
my philosopy, either increase income or cut down expenses, for now i choose the latter
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