After so many days not going out for lunch, yesterday I had thos strong urge to go to Wisma Central for lunch. This place serves the cheapest lunch in the KLCC area and lots of lauk that you can choose from.
I usually take very smal portion of rice and loads of lauk. A must will the paru goreng and sambal ikan bilis kering....hhmmmm...yummy, no photos cause nanti you all gak yang tak tahan tgk...
Then on the way back, we saw William, Mr Info and Babe (someone called him K Babe, hello!!! tak sesuai tau!!!) having this delicious looking desert called cendol. Cannot tahanlah so, we stop by and have a bowl...actually I stopped by, Ms GTL have no choice but to follow...

Memang lazat...and lihatlah muka bakal Duta Cendol.
With this currently income increasing force in my blood, jadik Duta Cendol pun sanggup asal masyuk!!!

5 normalies:
pepagi bgun dah terpk nak g mkn chendol kat kajang yg sedap itu.....jalan2 blog tgk akak plak buh gambo chendol???? oh...harusla ku mendapatkannye!~
len kali buh je gambo.....takde org gelak....paru itu lazat!~
wah mata ko kaler apa kak.hehe..cun gitu
wow... ensem la orang sebelah akak tuh. krim slam la ye..
cendol... giler murahan... hehe..
jgn luper kirim salam ye... btw, saper Mr info?? dia keje TV3 ker?
Interested in Tie Rack scarves?Cmon n hv a look
lil^red - memang enak memakan cendol terutama di hari yang ler kalau pakai tag line camni, panjang beno!
ita - kaler mist grey, saje jer nak adventerous
anon - nanti akan ku sampaikan salamnyer
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