normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Saturday 7 June 2008

Makan free

I went for this seminar somewhere in February. And in the goody bag was 2 vouchers for buffet dinner at Crowne Plaza Hotel. How cool is that!!!

However, sebab busy bebenor, I totally forgot about it until I was cleaning the compartment of

the car's dashboard. And the voucher was about to expire in a week's time...

So, apa lagik...I called my better half and asked him out for dinner which can also be considered as my treat kan? Yelah, I was the one that got the voucher...duh!!!

We did not bring the cuties, the vouchers were only for 2 adults, berdating ler jawabnyer...

I am never a good buffet person. I can't take too much food at one go. My better half always told me, it's a waste to bring me for buffet. I will be eating only a quater from the amount paid...

And this is the only thing that I ate that night...

The finale was a cup of coffee. I don't like dessert, I don't like sweet things

Tu yang made me think...If this is how I eat, why am I so fat??

Baru ler terpikir, kalau the only exercise that I do is just walking to and fro from LRT station...

3 normalies:

lilRed Farah said... kalo tak mkn nasi leh kurus sekurus2nye....farihah kalo tak mkan nasi......takde herannye bdn ni nak kurus!!! diet mcm nak rak pon....cenggitu la jugak!!! bikin sakit hati...tu yg kekadang tu belasah gak makn!!!! geram!

Jungle Playland said...

I pulak say it to my hub "its such a waste bring you.. bayar mahal mahal tapi yg u makan sepingan jer then ambik lak nasi and lauk2 style kampung".. nak buat camner mu hubs is tall and slim and perut dia kecik tak macam my perut. huhuhu!!
Nak jadi worth it kena makan byk seafood esp oysters ker. hahaha!! if buffet my aim is to eat as much oysters or prawns..

Liza said...

lil^red - dah try not to have rice, tapi almaklumlah perut melayu, tahan 3 hari jer tak makan nasi...

dot - that's what i did, minus the oyster, still don't have the guts to try that