I am never a good bowler, but love the game. This Saturday, there will be a bowling tournament organised by our Sports Club, part of the on going sports carnival. My main objective, actually 2 main objectives...
1. Not to make a complete fool out of myself (that explains the long title)
2. For my team not to loose because I suck!!!
So, after this event...(event ke?), my better half decided to teach me a thing or 2 about bowling.
I did pretty ok, not too bad but of course not that good either...
Self reminder, to keep the hand straight, jgn bengkok2...
4 normalies:
wah terer akak ek main bowling..tp lps tuh kena berurut ek..hehe
waaahhh sudah lama tidak turun lane!
sorry eh kalo rumah merah yang menang..we all tak sengaje..(prediction je:p)
ita - takde terornyer..longkang kiri pastu kanan pastu urut ha ha ha
lil^red - satu hari kita gi nak?
azrul - whatever! mcm tak leh pakai je the prediction
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