Introducing the current apple of my eye, my cute and adorable niece, Anis Umairah.
My mom bought Anis a playpen. She(by definition my mom not Anis who is too young to get excited) was so excited and insisted for Iwan to assemble the playpen immediatedly cause she wants to see her grand daughter to be in there.
Meanwhile, my baby proudly announced she is ready to have a baby in our family. I quote "Mama, baby rasa baby dah ready nak ada baby, so boleh lah kita ada baby yer".
Amboi, ingat nak ada baby nie macam beli barang kat kedai ke?
The real question is.....Am I ready to have another baby???
3 normalies:
hehehhe.... why not liza...
fazid - takut ler tringat labour pain and the confinement...
comelnye anissssssss...........sile bg alamat kak, dah dekat sgt tuh...buleyh jalan kan operasi menculik....hihihihi...
ye la kak...y not......
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