I know k red, lil^red and ak143, lambat giler buat this entry, well...not intentional but very the busy. The previous entry pun I did it in one day and set schedule to publish.
Anyway, on Monday, I had one of the greatest lunch that I have ever had. With laugh, good food and good company, what more would you ask for.

I never knew blogging can be so much fun, having friends from all walk of life and getting to know people who you would not be able to meet in normal circumstances.
But the embarassing was, the ladies brought giftf for me and I did not get them anything. Though gift from K Red siap ada tanda harga gitew...tanda2 nak claim balik ker...

But guys, seriously, I had so much fun. Best giler, and love the gifts...
We should have this kind of gathering more often ya!
5 normalies:
yayyyyyyy!!!! ade juge entry......tak pe tak pe...we know that you are very the busy....well to compare off with me yg mmg kerja kat goyangkakitronics kan....hahhahaha
hope that you love the book....
kalau tau tak baca lg the undomestic goddes.....sure farihah belikan yg itu sbb buku tu mmg best!!!!
buku 2 ni pon best tau.....ala..kalau dah namanye kaki buku...smue buku le best....hiks!~
huhu... ada gak entri ek...
sowi la takde gambar kak liza pown tertempek di blog gue...
gue tangkap sket2 je ari tuh, tak macam 2 orang lagi tuh!
nice meeting u...
2 org sapa?
bila kita nak buat small gathering pulak..hhehehe *malu..malu*
lil^red - of course i love the books...kita nie kan ala2 Oprah Book Club
ak - it's ok, ada gak group photo
yusvogue - next time kita organise lagik yer
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