Salam to all my dear readers
I have been doing this Kuih Raya business for the past 4 years and this year I planned to continue with it.
And of course, I am not the one making the kuih, it's done by a friend of mine.
Below are the pics...

The price is the same for every kuih, RM20 for 50 pieces and RM35 for 100 pieces(in one container). Delivery within Klang Valley is FOC for orders above RM100. And I also have kerepek for hari raya ; Ubi Masin, Ubi Pedas Basah, Ubi Pedas Kering, Bawang, Pisang Tanduk and Mini Rempeyek. All selling at RM8 for 500 gram except for Mini Rempeyek selling at RM12 for 500 gram.
For those interested to order, please email me at
Dijamin halal and makanlah tanpa was was!
15 normalies:
sedappnyeeee.... u ada buat delivery overseas tak..hehehhee
wah dah start ek skrg jual kuih raya...teruja ek kita
fazid - delivery boleh jer buat tapi takot sampai sana tinggal serbuk je
ita - kalau teruja mariler order
wah teruja nengok kuih raya..
salam perkenalan n salam ramadhan dari saya.. saya invite masuk blog saya yer...
liza..that raya cookies...mane yg u rekomen?? ingat nak order 2 jenis...not to be deliver here hehehehe...for my mom back home
fazid - you nie, mesti ler i recommend all...if for kids, the ice cream cookies tu memang suitable, but my bestseller memang sarang semut, kalau u nak order email to me and I can deliver to your mom's house.
camtu kalu...i fancy itu fancy ice cream (100 bijik) and sarang semut (100 gak)...nanti i amik kat rumah u...bleh ka?? huhu
selamat berpuasa juga dari saya.. thanks sudi singgah blog saya..
fazid - got the order, nanti calling2 yer
mama mya - you are most welcome...selamat berpose
salam ,bulan posa nie..semua nampak mmg sedap pun.
salam singgah
cedapnyue kuih...kuih makmur ade tak?
atty - kalau nak tau sedap, mari ler order and rasa
mommy lily - salam singgah...sorry yer, kuih makmur takde, maybe next year nak cuba kot
kak resepi sardin masak belimbing buluh santan
Tumis bawang merah bawang putih, cili padi serta sesudu cili kering..
Tumis smpi wangi…
Masukkn santan
Masukkan belimbing buluh
Masukkan sardine
X yah buh asam sbb belimbing tuh dah masam
Pastu buh garam k..
sy pon bisnes kuih raya gak.lehla thn depan kita berkontekan2, nak nak tang kerepek tuh.:)
sy dpt blog url ni dari titipkata. i'm one of the member utk road trip tuh. kalo sudi nak numpangkan umah atau at least bwk ktiorang jejalan ke, alhamdulillah.hheehe kitorang mmg ada nak ke kluang n batu pahat.igtkan nak saja tgk pantai kat area rengit tu kot kalo tak silap.
lagi,psl exchange links tu, amatlah dah tambahkan blog ni dalam blogrolls
terima kasih.
ita - thanks, nak try ler weekend nie, nanti kita letak gambo
motz - salam perkenalan, nanti apa2 email yer
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