It's like a tradition, we will buy bunga api(what's that in English by the way, fire crackers or fire just doesn't seems right, takkan fire flower kot) for the cuties as Raya is about to arrived. And this year is more special since they'll be playing this in the compund of our own house.
When we were doing some shopping at BBB, we saw this small stall selling the bunga api. Mercun is a big NO NO, I want the cuties to celebrate Raya with all the body parts in tact!. So we bought some for the cuties to play after iftar.
On another note, while looking at this picture, I noticed how ugly the house compound look like without grass. Sayang, cepat ler kita tanam rumput yer....
2 normalies:
best ek main bunga api uma bwh..umah cam sy ni cane ek..haha
ita - boleh main masa balik kg nanti kan? seronok gak main bunga api nie
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