normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Saturday 20 September 2008

Being Normal-Being Judged

My sincere apologies...I'm a bit emotional this morning. Blogging here from Batu Pahat, I just have to let it all out so that I can move on and attend to many things that I have planned today.

Why do people like to act as if their God. To pass judgement, sometimes even "punishment" so to speak. Punishment can come in many ways, can be in form of ignorance, avoiding and so on. And those who are being ignored and avoided(in this case, your truly) would be wondering,"what did I do wrong"...

I have one simple philosophy, you may offend the whole world, as long as you don't offend me, we're good. I won't judge a person based on his/her sore friendship, argument or fights with others. Friendship means an individual and me, if that person have problem with another person, that has got nothing to do with me. I may have my perception on who's wrong and who's right, but that is just my opinion. That person may be nasty to another, as long as that person is kind to me, no issue what so ever...

Some questioned, what is my purpose of blogging. Honestly, because I want to keep the memory of my life with my loved ones. One day I can look back and see the pictures and cherish all the memories. I got a remark about me having to put nuffnang in my blog. Is it wrong while blogging I can earn extra income. My objective to blog is still very much intact! It hasn't moved even an inch since the day I start blogging. To earn some income while doing what I love is not wrong, at least not wrong to me!

Rumours....I just don't want to go to this topic but this thing is really pissing me off. So, you listen to someone talking about me...and somehow you choose to believe it...why?? Have I done anything wrong to listen to others without even verifying with me whether its true or not. And what's worse, you choose to believe it, judge and soon after that punish me! Why??? Aren't we all adult enough not to have such behaviour.

To those instigators, what goes around comes around. What you give, you'll get back! I always have this talk with my better half and he has this 2 advice that I hold and still am and this 2 advice keep me sane

1. We'll do our job and let Allah do His. Why do we want to do Allah's job of "punishing" people. Keje sendiri pun tak siap sibuk nak buat keje Tuhan.

2. There's a reason why Allah created heaven and earth. That shows in this world there are good people and not so good people. If everyone is good or bad, then Allah need not to create both. Its up to us, which one we want to be in later after the judgement day, where our creator will be judging us and He is the only who has the right to do so!

There you go! All out! If any of you feel I am not worthy enough to be your friend either in real life or cyber life, that's entirely up to you but to come to that decision merely because you heard what people say and decided to throw this type of punishment....that's just sad!

Other than that, have a good weekend and I so look forward to do my Raya shopping!

5 normalies:

lilRed Farah said...

kakak, hang on there. i know exactly how u feel....and come to think about it..tak ramai org yg ade pendirian mcm kite...and y??? sbb rakyat mesia ni kan suke nak di pandang baik je...they are never brave enough to stand by their own two feet and principle ....sbb nye kalo berani sket je ...masuk ISA....hahahhaha dr isu yg sebesar itu...hingga isu yg sekecil-kecil, personal issue....we r left with limited ppl in our catagory. Alhamdulillah u have such a good hubby to guide u.... just have faith in ur self and the one u love most..insyaAllah....Allah definitely has His own way to show the truth in anything! **HUGS**

Anonymous said...

aku kopi pes je lah apa yang farah khutbahkan tuh...

lek babe, biar depa makan dalam... :)

Liza said...

lil^red - thanks sis, it's good to know someone share my sentiment

my red fren - my better half told me my problem is, i thought just because i hardly judge people, meaning others are like that...he said that's the dream world when reality sucks!

Jungle Playland said...

i guess just let it go.. rileks k..
some people just don;t have nothing better to do.

Liza said...

dott - let go already right after doing that entry, according to my lecturer, writing is a good therapy...