Cik Puan Ambang requested for me to be more detailed in blogging about the new house. She wanted to know this and that as this will hopefully motivate her to move to her new house(which was bought and ready much earlier than mine), about few kilometers from my new house.
So here goes Cik Puan Ambang
The highest curtain in the house, located in the middle of the staircase
The dining area, picture taken from the stairs...Plan to change the chair to something more modern.
The divider, separating the dining area from the kitchen. Planning to buy the nicer ones from IKEA, Insyallah before Raya.
The family living area upstairs. This is for us to chill. Planning to place a carpet on the floor. A small one will do. Also some big cushions for us to begolek2 while watching TV.
The bed in the master bedroom. We have yet to sleep on this. Currently sleeping downstairs until the air cond is installed in the 3 bedrooms upstairs.
The sink in the kitchen. Now, washing dishes is such a whole new experience (sound so fake kan?)
The curtain at the window in the kitchen, we tinted the glass. Kalau tak satu taman lak tengok akak masak.
So, Cik Puan Ambang, apa lagik, jom pindah!
4 normalies:
nice.... mesti la new experience... new things new way of doing it...hehehehhehe
liza...i dah lame nak tanye...tapi baru teringat.... ur cuties sekolah kat ane skrang? Sekolah BSP tu dah siap ke?
Your house looks so lovely lah...jealous! Btw, your kids tak payah tukar sekolah ke?
fazid & nae - anak i still skolah kat KJ, insyaallah next year baru tukar skolah.
fazid - skolah bsp tu they all ckp ready by the 2009 school term but the last time i tgk, it doesn't look even 50% ready to me, so maybe skolah dekat bdr baru kot
nae - when it's your turn, i pulak yg jeles kan
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