normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Wednesday 10 September 2008

My wishlists

I have done my own wishlists, lists of things that I want to do around the house.

*Words of caution : actually cautioning myself, what I want does not mean what I get. This is of course subject to fund available.
This is the bottom part of the stairs. I wanted to make this area as a mini store with shelf attached. Getting the quotation from the vendor next week. Jgn mahal2 yer....
I also wanted to have a bath tub in my bathroom...ok lah, our bathroom sayang...Dah dok berangan, nak letak candle with aromatherapy oil and kan especially after a long day at work...
I wish for an auto-gate as well. It will be so convenient for us. We don't to leave the cuties in the car unattended while we open the gate. It will also be good during rainy days.
Next will be the landscape for the house. We planned to have grass grown around the house and to have bricks for people to walk on. Also, I am still contemplating whether to have the small fish pond as per my better half wish lists. We'll see how it goes.
Last but not least, to have security system installed. Preferably ADT. Al-maklumlah rumah dah pernah kena rompak.
So, with all this wishlists, duit nak korek kat mana yer....

7 normalies:

lilRed Farah said...

trick die senang je...say ok to the fish pond...definitely he will say ok to any wishlist, listed from u! hahahahhahah saiko saiko

Anonymous said...


found your blog tru bloghopping. FYI i pon dok BSP - currently rumah sewa lagi but know am counting days to move to our own abode, insyaallah lepas raya.

love v much your entry before, and cant wait to move.

for the tangga tu, i dah tambah store - and cost me kebabom jugak but the job quality is satisfied. for autogate - they quoted RM1400++ (excluding wiring) so we kiv 1st. kalau u dapat good price do share with us ok.

1 more thing, i pon buat langsir kat fiona :)

btw, nice knowing you kakak..

fazid said...

aik..apsal comment i tak kuar2 nie..gegegegge

Liza said...

lil^red - trick tu dah pernah pakai le, mcm tak jalan dah....

syau - salam perkenalan...neighbours lah kita kan. nanti we can exchange tips on decorating the house, nice knowing you too

fazid - internet slow skit ler smalam

ita.itu said...

insyallah akak tercapai gak impian ko ye kak..amin

Liza said...

ita - jom kita aminkan sesama...amin.....

NadiahKhair said...

niceeeeeeeeeee. i nih biler la nak merasa umah semi dee nih? :D

we've installed ADT..actually dpt free dr developer tapi maintenance kene byr yearly. tapi giler takut nak psg mlm2..even angin kuat pun boleh set off the alarm and satu taman bantai bangun tanye kenape.. pastu bunyik die haruuuuuuu..
till now we dont have an alternative to it.