Last weekend, we had planned to make a trip back to Batu Pahat, apart from visiting my in-laws, we also need to collect the kerepek that was ordered for this coming Raya.
We didn't want to travel when the weather is hot, so, we decided to start the trip right after sahur. My better half told me not to cook and let's just have sahur outside so that I don't have to clean the kitchen after that. I think he noticed I became a kitchen cleaning freak, yelah kan, kitchen baru, semua akak sental tau!
Considering within the vincinity of our house, there are few universities, hence food supply during the sahur hour was not a problem. Many of the food outlets were opened to cater for the students there.
Kesian my baby, she slept while waiting for the food to arrive, while my princess was chatting away with my better half and my hero was watching football on TV.
The time was 5.37am when we passed the toll on our way to Batu Pahat.
Balik kampung!!!!!!! Bestnyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 normalies:
haruuuuuuuuuuuuuussss di jaga rumah baru!
lil^red - ala dik, 2-3 bulan pertama jer tu, lepas tu...tak kose kan!
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