Finally, we have grass on our garden. It was so soothing and breath taking. The work is expected to be completed by end of this week. Meaning, rumput raya lah akak yer...
Did you notice the ugly wall dividing our house to the next door neighbours. We have planted some sort like pokok duit2 yg menjalar tu. But the result is only visible within 3-5 months. We did not want to paint it, it won't look natural so we opted for this method. Hijau skit and mana tau fengshui baguih, pokok duit2 tu...see the connection...Insyallah, kalau Allah izinkan....
Raya with a nice more wish list taken care off!!
3 normalies:
Yey....baru le sejuk mata memandang. I've got my landscaping done too and now satu kerja pulak nak pi siram pokok.
yeayyyy!!!!!! chantik dah!!! fountain ni kak...buh pangkin kayu sebelah.... leh duk duk ptg sambil dgr deruan fountain...syok woooo kak...... takpun buh je kerusi n meja garden set tuh...pepetg leh minum kopi kat tepi fountain.... hehehheh
nae - yup, memang sejuk mata memandang...the kerja siram pokok falls under my better half job spec..hahaha
lil^red - memang the idea nak buat wakaf, si princess siap dah berangan nak main batu seremban but after looking at the price, tak mampulah, so we opted for the krusi meja thingy jer lah kan
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