Yesterday for iftar we celebrated Iwan's birthday. For those who don't know who's Iwan, he is my youngest brother. He is also a frequent reader of this blog - he better be otherwise banyak allocation will be revoked...muahahaha!!!
My dad will only cook for special occassion and yesterday for some reason was considered to be one. My dad's speciality among others are Nasi Ayam and Ikan Bawal Sweet and Sour and he cooked both yesterday.
We arrived just a few minutes after the azan maghrib. As usual, traffic was a hell!!!!
When we arrived, the cuties and the rest were already eating. So, we grab a plate each since tengah lapo giler and the food was so very tempting...
After the delicious meal, it's the cake cutting ceremony, chewah! My baby sang the loudest and ignored her Pak Usu's remark about her vouce...Pak Usu cakap pitching larilah!!!
I was so full after that but cannot rest, cause last night was the sending of all the kuih ordered. We completed the whole process at 1am!!! For those who supported the business, thank you so much for purchasing the kuih muih. Insyallah, if everything goes well, next year we shall continue with the business.
Argh!!! Ngantuk!!! But rezeki hari raya kan, so I am so thankful for it...
3 normalies:
Happy Birthday PAKUSU!!!! (itupun untung i nak wish tau! hahahhahahha )
selamat hari raya..kita add link ye..
jgn lupa amik ecard tu ye
lil^red - ya betul, 10 markah!!!
atty - selamat hari raya and thanks for the card...
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