For the past 2 weeks, there were few occassions where the cuties, me and my better half had our iftar in the car. Reason being ; there were days that we need to go back to BSP and can only start to travel once baby is back from school. Then, my better half would pick me up at KL and straight to BSP. Usually, about 5km towards reaching home, the azan magrib will be heard over the radio.
Since I finish work quite early, I will proceed to the food outlet in KLCC in search of food for iftar.
Yesterday, I got them 2 pack of chicken rice, pizza, nasi lemak bungkus, A&W fried chicken and some kuih. Alhamdulilah, the cuties are not that particular about food. I did ask them if they would prefer to have their iftar with their Wan and spend the nite there. They refused to that suggestion and would prefer to have iftar with Papa and Mama eventhough the iftar can be categorised as Iftar the kelam kabut style...
So sweet of the cuties...As long as we are all together, susah senang bersama...Chewah!!
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