This was the part where our patience were tested....
We ordered furnitures from Cavenzi based on recommendation from firiends and also the appealing advert we saw in the newspaper. We ordered sofa(got free coffee table) for the guest living room, one set of family living room(with lots of racks) and bed with matress. The price was very reasonable and it looks nice from our point of view...
But apa yg membuatkan akak nie hangin satu badan, they promised the delivery to be done latest by 6pm on Friday and guess what time they arrived.
9.30pm!!!!???? Letih tau akak tunggu!!!!
Thank God this was compensated by the nice sofa....Sorry, sempat snap the sofa pics only, the rest will be posted later. Tengah marah sampai lupa ambik gambo!!!
That's all for now yer on the new house punyer stuff. Next, if there's more rezeki, landscape time!!!
5 normalies:
skang smue pesen L shape kan kak....very the nice...heheh tapi tang kain beledeu(baldu) tu lah hazabnye kalo tercalit kotoran degil kan
Alhamdulillah barang barang dah mula sampai. Memang betul laaa. Memang sungguh wajib kene buat open house raya ni.
lil^red - dah lama nak sofa mcm tu walaupun tau the risk of getting dirty is high kan
faith - wajib sungguh, nantikan jemputan nyer
Tak pe lah...worth the wait kan? As long sampai exactly yg macam diorder, dah ok le tu. Selamat mengarrange dan rearrange furniture!
nae - it's really worth the wait. and you are so right about arranging and rearranging the furniture. asik nak alihkan jer...
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