normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Friday 5 September 2008

Lontong sedap

During our last balik kg trip, I wanted so much to have one of the most delicious lontong that I have ever tasted. The gerai is located in Seri Gading, about 20 minutes from mom in law's home. So we woke up early since this gerai is really popular and well known for the lontong, nanti kempunan lak.
Then my better half noticed, the tyre of our new car has "pancited"...Kereta baru boleh pancit?? Just when we really need to be somewhere in a have to wait for my better half to change the tyre...I was there to motivate tau!!
Alhamdulilah, we arrived on time and got to taste the delicious lontong!! Best giler with the sambal sotong and telur mata...
Now, baru ler ready nak puasa...

2 normalies:

lilRed Farah said...

lamanye tak mkn lontong....haih!~ terliur plak nengok....hehhehe

Liza said...

lil^red - lontong yg nie memand sedap and murah lak tu