normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Friday, 5 September 2008

Sad Friday Morning

I got 3 sad news last nite which of course causes this morning to be a sad Friday morning....
News No One :
While preparing the dishes for buka puasa yesterday, I got the Star New Alert. One of the greatest journalists of all time, Tan Sri A. Samad Ismail, passed away at 5.58pm at Pantai Medical Center, Bangsar. I have been following his condition this past week from K Ena and K Maria's blog. I have been a silent reader to this 2 blogs among other socio politics blog. Their blogs are thought provoking and gave a different view on how other look at the current situations. Pak Samad, as Arwah is fondly known as, lost is such a great lost to the nation. I may not know him personally or even met him, but I've read some of his writings and trust me, no one write like he did.
News No Two :
My better half told me one of his good friends in the office is diagnosed with cancer, with 99% confirm that it is cancer. She is so young, younger than me in fact. She has 2 small kids and now about 5 months pregnant. My better half met her husband and he looked so terrified with this news. And the wife is crying non stop. She was admitted yesterday for further check up. We plan to visit her after buka puasa today. I can still imagine the last Raya we went to her house and her kids running around the house looking so happy...
News No Three :
Around 8pm before we left for terawih, I got another shocking news. My ex-roomate back in college passed away due to cancer. I haven't seen her for the last 12 years and I have planned to invite my ex-collegemates to my house this raya for some sort of reunion. I guess I was a little to late. We have the same name, Liza, and in order for our friends not be confused, she is known as Liza I and I'm Liza II cause she is older than me by month.
To K Ena and K Maria, Salam Takziah on the loss of your beloved father. I've always told myself I am not ready to loose any one of my parents. I guess, I will never be ready. Al-Fatihah...
To Ayla, I am so sorry to hear the news. And I don't think I have the right to tell you I know how you feel, cause I sincerely don't. We will pray for your speedy recovery and Insyallah everything will be fine.
To the family of Liza II, my sincere Takziah. I do miss her laughter and I still remember she was singing this Ekamatra song with the lyrics " Andai diberi emas dan permata, ku pilih senyuman mu" and then she said " Aku pun akan pilih senyuman" and we will all laugh to that. She has always been the jiwang one on our group...Al-Fatihah.....
And let this be a lesson to me, you'll never know what's gonna hit you...until it finally hit you. Let's learn to be more appreciative about life and our surroundings...

4 normalies:

fazid said...

salam liza... sorry to hear about all the sad news... al fatihah tu arwah pak samad.... i love most of his writing, specially Salina....

about your late friend... anybody I know... jasinian ke??

Liza said...

fazid - not a jasinian but was my roomate back in college...

lilRed Farah said...


dugaan dtg di bulan puasa.....insyaAllah...hikmah yg besar di sebaliknya...

Liza said...

lil^red - what makes me sadder, she was admitted in the hospital where my better half works and i didn't know about it.