After some what settle down a bit, the same day that we had all the moving exercise(here, here, here, here and here), we had a very small family gathering. This is just for bacaan doa selamat since that night will be our first night sleeping here.
My in law arrived from Batu Pahat around 6pm while the cuties were at school. So, my parents fetched them and took them here. Baby was very exhausted, she was sleeping in the car and continue to be sleeping even during the doa selamat.
Iwan was kind enough to drop by to recite the doa.
Since the kitchen was not ready yet, we bought nasi lemak with some lauks and char kuey teow for dinner.
It was a simple occasion hence we don't want to go over board with the food.
We also had another doa selamat 2 days after that. This was because my brother and family came from Malacca for the long weekend to my parents house and paid us a visit. Coincedently, it was my parents' wedding anniversary and my sis in law's birthday(31 August). That makes it a triple celebration.
After the doa recital from my brother, the singing and candle blowing was performed. Though we were a bit confused whose birthday is it....???Biasalah, budak....
My hero and my baby with my niece and nephew. Main boleh yer tapi jangan kotorkan sofa mak ngah yer!!!
Last but not least, the latest addition to the family...My new born nephew, about 2 weeks old. Yup, my sis in law came from Malacca though she is still in her confinement. Dia cakap, anak dah empat, takde makne nak pantang2 nie....
Alhamdulilah, everything went well and we were surrounded by our family celebrating this major milestones in our life.
2 normalies:
warning sofa tetap ade!!! hehehehehe
baby tu nak merasmikan sofa baru mamanyer kot
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