Apart from the shoe cravings which led us to Pavillion, we also wanted to get a good lunch here. We were contemplating whether to have this at the foodcourt or Carl's Junior. Considering there is no Carl's Junior in KLCC, we opted for this instead.
The que was long, for a fast food joint, the service is quite inefficient. Only one counter open and we did not get our food immediately. We were given number to indicate that the food will be sent to us instead.
This is the only food I ordered....
This was the food actually. The burger here is huge so me and Ms Money Matters decided to share. I just had mineral water, I am trying to stop myself from taking carbonated drinks...very unhealthy.
Of course, the trip to this place won't be complete without ordering Chilli Fries. Memang superbly delicious!!
5 normalies:
apa lagi mau?! mau ikut la!!!
hehhehehe mau carls jr superstar!!!! nad the chicken salad.... owh lazatnye.... mau crik sayur sayur lah .... tp blom jumpe butcher muslim lg...
azrul-mari ler ikut tapi this kind of activity only happens on friday ;)
lil^red-why don't we do a wish list so when you are back we will go to all those places one by one....
saya salad2 ni kureng skit..tp ngk mcm sedap jek ek
ita- salad nie, kalau dpt dressing yg best, sedap ita, kena try tau
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