I've been wanting to get my very own Charles & Keith for the last 3 months. But, no trips were made to Pavillion and the last trip made, not in the mood to buy shoes ler pulok!
So, yesterday, during lunch, tiga sekawan i.e. myself, Cik Puan Ambang and Ms Money Matters gigihkan jugak diri and went to Pavillion. We had Carl's Junior for lunch and with a very significant eye contact between me and Cik Puan Ambang, we went straight to the dream destination, Charles & Keith boutique.
The price range here is not bad, for shoes the price starts from RM80 and for handbags RM160.
The staff is very friendly and helpful, but not pestering and follows you around like other place that I've been too.
I bought this shoes...Cantik kan? Suka sangat!!!
And Ms Money Matters grabbed this handbag. If she didn't purchase this, I wanted to but I prefer the other colour. Picture below, Ms Money Matters malu2 menunjukan handbagnyer...
And yang membeli bagai tak hingat, of course is Cik Puan Ambang. She bought this handbag and this shoes. Cuba teka sape the handbag model!

It was indeed a stressful week but after I stared at my shoes....the stress is no big deal!
10 normalies:
lawanya semua kasut tuh..
lawa siot kasut tuh..mcm kena pi pavi gak la nih..hehe
atty - memang lawa2, sesuai dgn my taste
ita - harus ke sana yer, akak pun dah plan nak ke sana lagik
kl azza sure belek berjam..hehe
salam ziarah liza..
azza_irah - salam ziarah to you too, actually niat hati memang nak belek lama2 but lunch hour masa tu so kena balik opis pulak...
hi apa kabar? i ada terbaca ttg langsir dlm post2 terdahulu, dan ianya mmg cantik, if possible, can i have the no of the shop? at nilai right?
SM-for the phone number tu i have to korek the receipt, but if you go to nilai3, just go to the fiona curtain shop, senang je nak carik
smueeeeeeeeeenyeee chantik!!!!! oh jelesnye saya!
what was i thinking??!
lil^red-akak yg kena jeles dgn awak, kat uk lagi mcm2 and the price is cheaper...
azrul-we don't think, we just to the crazy stuff kan?
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