We wanted to go to Pavillion last Friday, wanted to grab some Carls Junior as we have been craving for that since the fasting month. However, with meetings that need to be attended to, and having all this back to back, that just didn't happen.
Lunch hour which was supposed to start at 12.15pm on Friday, only started at 1.15pm due to the work load. Nak buek camno, work first, fun later.
So, the next best thing will be Chillis...
We ordered quite a lot. Yup, we know membazir itu kerja syaitan and will try to be better at ordering in future. Anyway, all the leftoovers were tapau'ed and eaten by the hungry boys in the office....
But, don't think we forgotten about Carl's Junior...this Friday yer....Insyallah!
3 normalies:
nak intai akak aci ak friday nih? tp jumaat slalu pack ooo akak...
aisha - kalau terserempak, jgn luper tegur tau!
those 2 places yg tak sempat nak visit sebelom fly... chilis n carls jr! haih! sodeyh
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