I was invited by a good friend of mine to attend the Kumpulan Utusan's Hari Raya Open House yesterday. I am allowed to bring friends so I begged for Mrs GREEN, lurza, Cik Puan Ambang and William to come along.
I never expected the event to be that big. There were artists, the ballroom was nicely decorated,food were every where and Raya songs berkumandang.
The parking was full so we have to opt for valet parking. Mahal tu, RM20 hinggit!!!...
I got to take pictures with Mila, Noryn Aziz and Mawi Ekin. Cik Puan Ambang insisted her photo to be taken with Aizat while William, malu2 konon so acted only as the photographer. There were many other artists
And lurza, the leader of all camwhorer started posing while we waited for the car. Mrs Green pun apa lagik, join skali ler...hehehehe....
Thanks guys for willing to accompany me. And thanks Izam sebab sudi ajak. Harus le kan, jumper artis, mesti ler nak ikut...
5 normalies:
Where's the fun in it kalo tak camwhore kan?
lurza-camwhoring is acara wajib ok! takde tak best ler...
kak sy suka ekin bila dia dah pki tdg..dia live cantik x kak?
atty - memang best pun
ita - dia live lagik cantik dari kat dlm gambo, takde ler putih melepak cam telebih make up, nampak putih natural, orgnyer pun baik and peramah, patut ler mawi bekenan
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