Sunday morning!!!!
We started our day early. We knew we are going to be out the whole day today. Hence, we woke up early to do some house cleaning.
Since it was already 18th Days of Raya, I suggested for us to wear casual clothing. We have been wearing baju kurung to all the other open houses, so I felt like wearing jeans and blouse today.
Sempat posing dulu before kluar rumah. HARUS!!!
Us in the car, my princess was busy reading at the back.
The first destination is the Open House organised by my big boss at Restoran Rebung in Bangsar. Yup, the actual Rebung place owned by Chef Ismail and Angkasawan Malaysia, Sheikh Muszaphar. It was our first time here...
UPDATED PICTURE - Gambar meja sebelah just for anon...I feel I know who you are...hehehe...
The place and food overall was ok. But the logistic was quite a problem. Difficult to find parking spots. We arrived early so the parking problem was not so critical.
We were not there for long. We have other destinations to be at.
Thanks TMD and Puan Sri for inviting us. Tahun depan ajak lagik yer...
8 normalies:
kiut la the girls ngan style rambut gitu. masa kecik mak salu potong rambut kami 3 beradik gitu la hahah
kita pun kalo gi raya..pakai blouse & jeans je.hehehe
vagg- itu namanyer style senang nak buat, senang keje mak bapak...hehehe...
atty-senang blouse dgn jeans, senang nak gerak
tak ajak pun... tensi tensi tensi...
Mana gambar meja sebelah ni?
andy21-harus ker andy21, anyway, ni mesti kes tak baca email, kalau ajak pun dtg ker?
anon-meja sebelah yg mana nie, mcm tau jer nie sape, nanti akan di addkan yer...
haaa.... macam ni la best skik... sedap mata memandang.
jap lagi i pass the Office raya pic pulak...
anon-if you are happy, i'm happy too
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