After Kajang, we headed to Keramat. Invitation received from the newly wed workmate. We didn't get to go to their wedding due to this so we make it a point to go to their open house.
The traffic was terrible. From Kajang to Keramat took us about 2 hours. Giler lama tu...
We were supposed to go to Wangsa Maju after that, to Ms Money Matters place...but why we didn't go...Maleh nak critor, asalkan Ms Money Matters understands, ok ler tu...
Next - BBQ dinner@BSP organised by the Ketua Kampung...No pics taken cause it was already late. Arrived there at around 9pm lepas tetamu tak diundang baru ler reti nak balik!!!
So, out of 6 invites, we managed to cover 4, actually we can cover all if not because of the things that I refused to talk about!
So, out of 6 invites, we managed to cover 4, actually we can cover all if not because of the things that I refused to talk about!
3 normalies:
Bangsar raya session dont have ahh?
anon-next entry got the bangsar one...
ni pun tak ajak aku... aghh!!! tensi tensi tensi..
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