We arrived at Batu Pahat around 11am and we only dropped by for a few minutes to my in-laws house just to send the luggage to the room. Raya@Kg, it's a must for you to go all the relatives houses in the kg. Considering our time is very limited(kena balik esok, my better half works on Saturday), we have to start early kalau tak memang tak sempat nak habiskan the round.
After we round the kg, we rest for a while at my in-laws house and then headed to Kota Tinggi for more Raya visits. 

We went to 2 houses only but the trip was exhausting. So many cars....banyak giler...and the traffic was horrible. I consoled my better half by saying " bukan kita je nak gi beraya". And we only have to do this once a year...
On the way back, we dropped by my sis in-law's house in Kluang. We arrived around 9pm and was very exhausted. The cuties however, were still very energetic and wanted to play the fireworks with their cousins. I wonder where did all the energy came from. Semangat raya kot....
1 normalies:
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee raya kat kampung ni wajib round ziarah kuarga... patotnye kan.. kite buat mcm cine tuh... smue duk satu umah... kawasan umah je besau cam satu kampung... senang... raye dr satu bilik ke satu bilik jeh! hhuhuhuhuhu
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