After rushing back from this event, we had to attend another Open House, this time it's our company open house held at Mandarin Oriental. The traffic was really bad, we ended up reaching office after one hour journey walhal the place was very near to the next venue...letih akak tau!!
Most of my workmates were there already. I was full so did not eat anything here. Just socialising and having a good time with my friends. Many familiar faces from other companies as well. A meriah event indeed.

Actually, loads of photo taken durimg this event but not from my camera. So far, received only one, thanks yer anon for sending this photo to me...Cantik ler I masa nie, good camera you have there ;)...
So exhausted when I reached home...alangkah best kalau boleh trus beradu, too bad still have lots of house chores that need to be attended too....
7 normalies:
Boleh keeee puji diri sendiri. Hahaha.
wah house wat kt MO lagi tu
mesti meriah dan makanan sedap2 tk gitu?
faith-puji diri sendiri di blog sendiri is acceptable...hahahaha!!!
mommylily-makan kat MO nie kalau ada yg bayarkan, kalau bayar sendir takde maknenyer nak gi MO
wah pg hotel mandarin..syok ek kak..hehe
hari tu kat london.... farihah ade snap one pic untuk tatapan kakak... tp yg nak tepetnye tu bile.... huhuhuh
memang camera tu okay.... sume orang nampak kecik in the pic kan? ahahahaha...
anon-next time, pakai that camera only yer, at least i can continue to mislead people on how slim i am
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