Myself, Cik Puan Ambang and Ms Money Matters were invited again to another Open House, this time organised by PNB held at Dewan Perdana. We booked a cab to go to this place as we anticipate parking may be a problem. We also booked a cab back to office after the event.
As predicted, parking was a problem. And what makes it worse, it was raining. We had to go through massive jem on the way there and on the way back as well.
The food however, manage to compensate the other not so positive aspect of the event. They have this Shamsudin Lamin some sort like ghazal group to entertain us.
The funny thing was, many VIPs were waiting for their ride back at the lobby and all are using big cars...And when our ride came, all dok staring, naik cab je minah bertiga nie...apa pandang2, ingat org naik teksi nie takde duit ke??
5 normalies:
haha..sibuk ek..jeles tu kak drg x dpt naik cab..sure drg teringin..haha
ekekeke.naik cab lagi class.
ita - memang sgt jeles mereka terhadap diriku
atty - kelas gitu kan
haih!!!! dah agak dah komen tak lekat... pg td sebelom ke kelas dah tinggal komen... tp tak tau lah ngape connection kat hostel tu cam hampeh....
heheheh cume nak ckop... mmg sgt kelako... dpt bygkan at that moment... mesti funny giler
lil^red-kitaorg kat dlm cab tu siap gelak besar...muahahahaha!!!
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