I was very happy to received 2 gifts from abroad. I simply love both gifts, so cantik one!!!
First gift, from K Red, a bang from her trip to BKK. Love the colour, this will match any outfit. Sweet kan the bag, tak sabar nak pakai this weekend. Thanks K Red, macam tau2 jer tengah carik casual bag...
The next gift is from my dear boss. As you know, I am a fanatic of Liverpool. People may say many things about this team but I have been loyal since I am 12 years old. When my boss went
to UK last week, he just knew what to get me.
to UK last week, he just knew what to get me.
And nak menyelit skit, the model of my blog, lurza, demonstrating the right way to use the maflar, biler time sejuk kan...good modelling bro! By the way, this is the Gunners merchandise for Cik Puan Ambang...
Suddenly, I wonder what my better half is getting me for my birthday???Hhhmmmmm......
9 normalies:
wah mcm2 akak dpt ek..murah rezeki akak ye..amin
ahahahhaha.. nasib baik bukan gambar yg satu lagi;p
lurza over!
dia dok dalam peti ais ke cenggitu sekali tauuu
ita - memang best dapat brg free...moga Allah trus murahkan rezeki..
azrul - gambo nie yg terbaik antara yg terbaik
k red - dia tu memang over, sejak azali
kat sini pon tak lekat! HAIH! nak ckp... beg kak red bg tu mmg selesa bgt pakai... syg nye tertinggal di mesia... pasti lah mak aji ku yg sebat nanti.... nasib dah puas pakai bulan puasa dan raya hari tu...
i shall get u the newcastle fc lah kak.... amacam?
lil^red-kira rezeki mak aji lah yer, you can get me anything...I love freebies...hehehehe....
bila birthday nya kak.. sorry kalo dh ada ckp dlm previous entries.. xsmpat nk khatam lg kak..hikss
amboiiii..bile bab2 bash aku, smpai dua kali kluar d same comment.. zaas!
vagg - malu ler nak ckp, 17 November...hehehehe...
azrul-bukan sengaja nak comment 2 kali, ada error the first one but cannot delete ler, tak reti
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