Yesterday, we went out for a hunt, hunting for the stuff for our division performance........
What are we doing? Biar lah rahsia....
Apa lagik, other divisions...kasik gerun skit yer!!! GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Anyway, we all went to Ampang "Pork"(hihihi), rombongan via LRT. For those who has been using the LRT KLCC would notice this advert on the way down to the station. Cun ler advert nie...
We had lunch at KFC. Actually, I've been craving for KFC since last week. Puas rasanyer dapat makan KFC...Our division memang mesra, makan suap2 lagik, walaupun bayar sendiri...
Sure menang lah tahun nie!!!!!(ayat riak!!!)
3 normalies:
siap ada cakar2 lagi tuh... apakah???
ak_0143 - that tangan thing from x-men, ape ke ntah namanyer
aiyah..i already miss KFC laa...
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