There's not many things that I am good at. Singing macam out, nie kan pulak acting, or other seni talent. But, one thing I know I'm good at is cooking. Bukan nak perasan, but I know I'm a good cook.
My better half was not well (and still recovering) this whole week. One of his habits, when he is not well, he will start to crave for this and that. And all of this and that has to be home cooked, not the beli from kedai stuff.
First day, he wanted chicken soup. So, after work, I cooked chicken soup with sambal kicap(my better hlaf cakap without this tak kick) and telur mata with shallots on top. This has to be served with rice (and mesti panas2). Eventhough he's not well, he still went for second serving.
I am so glad I can cook well, otherwise, susah gak nak melayan kerenah orang sakit yang sorang nie...
4 normalies:
i love cooking and baking too!!!! n yes i know am good at it too...
my favourite toooooooo.
best kan masak2 nih
dan lg best bila org berselera makan pe yg kita masak! rajin masak mmg sdp aje nmpk..cuba org hampeh x reti..hehe..
lil^red - sebab tu lah k liza tak sabar nak rasa masakan awak, when u are back, masak tau for me...
vagg - betul tu, that's where the satisfaction is
ita - tapi ita pun terror masak kan?
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